Supporting people who are in addiction, have mental health issues or are homeless or insecurely housed can be challenging work with staff often becoming burnt out. It is not possible to be truly available to others when we ourselves are tired, cynical or are desperate to offload. Reflective Practice is vital. 

It is not therapy, it is not clinical supervision of client work, and neither is it line management. It is a space to pause and reflect on the personal impact that the work is having on you: what are the challenges, what are your strengths, how can we support resillience, ultimately: what are you needing in order for you to be a good support to others?

The models I draw on for this work are:

  • Winnicott's model of support for the one in the helping (mothering) role
  • Gibbs reflective cycle
  • Compassionate mindfulness for self care drawing on Tara Brach's RAIN model.


I offer one-to-one Reflective Practice sessions for staff in person or on Zoom, and in person group Reflective Practice.

Please contact me for fees and more information.